Monday, November 13, 2006

Presents in the mail

In today's mail, I received this lovely gift from my friend Jim - the solider who I made the star quilt for. He is a blackhawk helicopter pilot and has been in Iraq numerous times.
The paper says " Operation Iraqi Freedom, This American Flag was flown aboard a MH-60K Blackhawk on a combat mission in September 2006. For Sarah Norman , Your support of the troops, those injured in combat, my family and for me will not be forgotten. Thank you! Jim Boyd" In the bottom left is a small picture of Jim in front of his helicopter. In the right hand corner is a picture of his units insignia. He also quoted Aristole, "We make war that we may live in peace."
How cool is that?

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Thanks for reminding me, Nines!

I did my usual morning routine - get up, check email, check and see if Nines had posted anything new. And she had! Reading her rather hyper post (and she claims to be off caffeine!) reminded me that I had not posted the picture of my friend Jim, the sweet man who I made a QOV for. Yes, I am the floating head next to him. Jim is due to be deployed to Iraq for a month sometime next spring. Then he is getting out. He has a extremely sweet family. Me and his wife agreed that if we lived closer we could be really good friends. Not that you can't be friends long distance!

My little guy is home sick today with a fever. Of course he doesn't want me out of his sight. I will have to convince him to come sit in the sewing room!

Hope everyone has a great day!