Today I thought I would share a picture of my sweet little featherweight sewing machine. I bought her on e-bay a year ago for $250. She is a 1951 model, but not a centennial, don't quite understand that. Anyway, she has scratches and paint chips and is not all shiny, but I LOVE to sew on her. She is so nice and quiet and has a beautiful straight stitch. I use her all the time - unless I need a zig-zag stitch - then I resort to dragging out my newer Singer. I have the featherweight sitting on top of the green plastic bowls to make her a little taller. My sewing table is kind of low and the bowls get the machine up to a comfortable height so I am not all hunched over. I do love my sewing table too. My dad made it for me when I started quilting about six years ago. Ok, I'll go take a picture of it too. Hang on...I'll be right back!
Was I quick enough? Anyway - my dad made me this table when I started quilting. He made the cubbies exactly the size to hold the large plastic shoeboxes. This is where I keep all my current projects. The top left box has all my notions. Below that is all my scraps - waiting to be cut up ala Bonnie! The top right box holds Maddie's stash - not bad for a six year old! The other three boxes hold fabric for specific projects. Underneath the table is also used for storage of magazines, books, junk without a home.Enough for today. Now we are off to the wasteland otherwise known as the kids' rooms. Not only must we clean them but we have to switch out summer clothes for winter clothes, which have been piled in a heap in the living room since Monday! We are having a group of people from church over tomorrow night so I have to get the whole house into order. UGH! Anyone seen the cleaning fairies?
Hope all of you are having a great weekend!
Nice to see your Featherweight Sarah, she's a sweetie! I would love to have one,but with my kind of luck, it wouldn't be a good risk to take online..LOL.
ReplyDeleteI have sewn on one tho, and see why people love them so. And your sewing area! So neat!!Nice.
What a sweet purchase, Sarah! You were very fortunate...and especially for it to be so cooperative when you ask it to sew with you! ;-)
ReplyDeleteKudos to you and your Dad for designing such an organized place for you to sew.