This is my mom's latest quilt. It is just a small lap sized quilt for the back of her couch. She found the fabrics when we went to the AQS show in Nashville in August. The main fabric was found at the very last minute as the show was closing down. We had waited until late Saturday afternoon to go to the show. We avoided the huge crowds and got some deals on some pretty fabric. We spotted this bolt of fabric as we were being herded out the door at 5 pm. Thankfully the ladies were kind enough to let us buy some! Keep in mind that my mom sewed this in a 30 foot pull behind trailer that they are living in while their new house is being built. The new house was designed by the world's most talented architect, whom I happened to be married to!By the way, Mom, don't get excited. It's not quilted yet!
I love 9 Patches. They always look so crisp and inviting no matter what you do with them!