Today was the first day of school (a.k.a more free time!) and I wanted to work on something cheerful and bright. Of course nothing that was already started would seem to fit the bill so I went digging through the stash and came up with a sunflower print, a yellow and a green. I wanted to do something mindless so I chose to do a rail fence....with a twist, literally. I twisted the blocks to make a kind of pinwheel, half of them yellow and half of them green. I still need to make three more pinwheel blocks, but I suppose I should do some housework before the hubby comes home. I am hoping to talk him into going out for dinner. After all, it is the first day of school!
Fun project ! Congrats on having one in school. I like the twist of your rail fence, it's fun to play with something not so serious sometimes. Keeps us fresh, I think.