Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Judy's good idea
So this morning I went and dug the box of my hand-dyed fabrics out of my closet and found a couple yards of black in the stash and set to work. I have been oohing and aahhhing over this quilt for some time. Sorry I can't remember whose quilt this is - if it is yours, leave a comment and I will add a link to your blog!
This morning I started working on the flying geese. As you can see, I got quite a few done. I haven't decided if this going to turn into a wall hanging or a lap quilt. Time will tell! Judy - thanks for the inspiration to finally use our prized fabrics!
Sunday, January 28, 2007

I have started working on another UFO. This one is going to be a surprise present for someone so I can't show any pictures of the work in progress. I finished up the blocks yesterday and got the rows put together. I have got four of the rows sewn together - 5 more to go.
DS was sick last week but we thought he was on the mend. DD woke up this morning with a fever and a sore throat. Now DS is complaining that his throat hurts again too. I guess we will go see the pediatrician tomorrow. DD gets strep throat at the drop of a hat. Fun times!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Babies, babies every where!

Monday, January 22, 2007
Mom's bones are done!

I concentrated this afternoon on finishing the quilting on my mom's bones quilt and got it done right before dinner. I tried a new-to-me batting called Hobbs Heirloom Premium cotton batting. It is actually a 80/20 blend. I really liked it - it is a little puffier than 100% cotton. Had to adjust the top tension on my machine a little bit. When I emailed my mom the finished picture, her reply was "But the binding isn't on it yet!" Ha ha ha!
Now tomorrow I can concentrate on getting my house back to its formerly clean state before my parents, sister, and her kids all arrive at about 2:30. Right now I think it is bed time!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
A Saturday spent sewing

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Quilting away...
The only problem with getting all these tops quilted is that I will have a pile of quilts that need to have the binding put on them. As Nina will testify - binding is my least favorite part. I have got to at least get the baby quilt bound before next Saturday. Surely I can do it in a week!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
A soggy Tuesday
Yesterday I got the baby quilt top all put together and even found a cute blue striped fabric in the stash to use for the backing. That's three yards down - 1000 to go! After my refreshing nap, I got everything loaded onto my quilting machine. Quilting on baby quilts always goes so nice and fast. I just did a simple little meander with little loopy-loops. Very delicate looking.
I was so inspired by getting the baby quilt done that I went in search of a backing for the beautiful quilt top that Susan sent me. I found a huge piece of a green on green print that will do just fine. Kind of a grassy green color. Another 4 yards out of the stash! I got the backing pieced and pinned onto the machine this afternoon. My goal for tomorrow is getting this one quilted.
When I was rearranging my stash a few weeks ago, I cleaned out the cabinets over the washer and dryer. Any piece of fabric over about two yards went up in this cabinet. That way I don't have to dig through the regular stash for a piece big enough to make a backing out of.
Hhhmmm....what to work on next? Maybe, while I am in the mood, I should work on quilting all the tops I have sitting here.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
No more complaining!
The in-laws left this afternoon. My house is still relatively clean. Tomorrow I am going to pick up a few small messes and then give myself the rest of the day to sew! The baby shower is less than two weeks away.
How is everyone's no-buying resolutions going? So far I don't think I have even stepped foot in a fabric store. Safer that way, no?
Monday, January 8, 2007
New things in the new year

See this lovely quilt top? My fellow maverick, Susan, had this top languishing in her UFO pile, unloved and guilt inducing. When Susan read my recent post about the Denyse Schmidt wall hanging I made my sister for Christmas (with fabric from Susan's store), she mailed this top to me!!! I am so in love with it! I can't wait to get it quilted and start snuggling up under it! My sister is trying to talk me out of it. Not going to happen, my friend!
This is the progress I have made on the baby quilt that needs to be done by the end of January. It is the same pattern as the Christmas one my mom made for me. The blocks are made from three different sub-units - a one patch (the light yellow in the pic) and a two-patch (kind of a rail fence) and a four patch. Then the two big blocks are nine-patches - one made from the 4-patches and the one patches - and one made from the two-patches and the four patches. Ends up being a very random look. I am liking it - and I hope the mommy-to-be will like it too!
I have gotten to sew more these past two days than I have in the last several months. Nice and relaxing. Definitely need to make more time to sew some each day.
What have you all been up to this new year?
Friday, January 5, 2007
It is a small, small world
I opened up the Paducah 2004 book and pulled out the judges' comments sheet. I read through it and glanced down at the judges' names. Julie Powell. Libby Lehman. And Gabrielle Swain, whose blog I often read when surfing around Melody Johnson's blog. How did I miss that before? Then when I was looking at the actual show book, I found the page my quilt was listed on and started reading down the list of quilts that were close by. Who should I run across but Deb R from over at Red Show Ramblings.
If you are interested in seeing the quilts I had in the shows, you can go read this post.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
One of my x-mas quilts

Monday, January 1, 2007
New Year's resolution
Anyway.... in the process, I am reorganizing my closet, where the majority of my fabric is stored. Then that led to reorganizing the fabric in the cabinet above the dryer and I am sure that will lead to reorganizing the bottom of the pie safe!
I tell you all this in order to announce (again!) .....
Who is going to join me?