This is a quilt that I pieced over a year ago. I made one at the same time in greens - same fabrics just in green! Anyway, the green quilt I finished right away and took with me to Florida to a lady's retreat me and Nines went to. They had a auction to raise money for scholarships to help out women who were not financially able to come to the retreat on their own. Nina also made a quilt for the auction - one of the star quilts like we made for our soldier friends.
The blue top sat there in the "waiting to be quilted pile" for a whole year until I finally got around to quilting it in July.
The kindergarten here in town has a "family fun night" as a fund raiser every year. They have a silent auction and ask for donations for the auction. This blue quilt will be my donation. I put the binding on it on Monday. Why do I dread bindings so much? It always goes much quicker than I expected!
This is the back of the quilt. This lovely toile came from a friend of mine, Christie, when she was cleaning out her garage! She has a garage full of crafty stuff. Speaking of Christie, today we are having a girl's day out for her birthday. We are driving down to Columbus Georgia (about an hour away) and go to Hobby Lobby, and a quilt store called Sew much fun, and having lunch. We might also hit Sam's and the party store if we have time.
After this border I will put on another solid brown border. And then on to the quilting!
I have another good reason for getting this quilt finished - I need to make a wedding quilt for two friends that are getting married in December. Now usually I don't make wedding quilts. We go to church with lots of college kids and if I made each of them a quilt when they got married, I would have no time for anything else. But the two people getting married are an older (than me) couple. She has been married before and has grown kids. The groom I am not sure about. Anyway, they are both so sweet and they are both so happy. I have put the groom in charge of finding out what her favorite colors are!
Time to get busy!
This fabric was given to me by Maddie's 1st grade teacher. Her aunt is a quilter and is downsizing from a house to a small townhouse and is clearing out her junk. You all should be proud - out of the several garbage bags of stuff she gave me I only kept two things. The other piece is about 5+ yards of some Marcus Brothers fabric. You can buy either piece from me over on ebay. The mystery is what this fabric was going to be used for. It is cotton fabric, cut on the bias (in 20 inch wide strips) and ends up being about 15 inches wide about 9 yards long. Any ideas where this was headed?
My parents are coming for a visit today - so I'd better get cleaning!