I love the design on the bottom side of these little guys. Isn't it cool?
This brown print is going to be the backing on my coffee pineapple quilt. I am hoping to get it finished in time to give it as a x-mas gift to my hubby. SSSHHHH! Don't tell!
This will be the outer border on the pineapple quilt. I also bought a yard of the coffee bean on the black for a thin inner border.
This small remnant piece was too pretty to pass up. It is maybe 20 inches by 45 inches. It is for a friend that is crazy about batiks. No names please. Maybe she won't figure it out!
This is the one piece I bought for myself. Yes, it is blue. Yes, I am stuck in a deep, dark, blue rut. I tried several times to get a picture that didn't look blurry but was unsuccessful. Maybe its the fabric that is blurry - not the picture?
These pinks were purchased to make a baby quilt for a friend who is expecting their 2nd baby girl. The focus fabric will be the floral on the right. I have never made a pink quilt before. I have NO pink in my stash. The fabric on the left has tiny, soft little white polka dots. This will be the backing. Now I just have to pick a pattern. Any suggestions?
I bought these Christmas fabrics to make Christmas ornaments with. Anyone else make these folded fabric ornaments? You use a three inch (?) styrofoam ball in the center. I really like them because they look quilted when you are done. My mom learned the process from a friend several years ago and finally taught me last Christmas. It is kind of addictive. It is fun to do while watching a movie or riding in the car. I took it with me this past week and got a couple of ornaments made. Here is what the finished ornament looks like. Good way to use up some scraps!
Hey! I am done with Sunday Stash five hours early! Hope you all have a good Sunday.
Monday - We left Auburn after Maddie got home from school. We made it all the way to Tupelo Mississippi before we stopped for the night.
Tuesday - We made it to Little Rock by about noon. Since both of Stacy's parents were still working we had to amuse ourselves. After lunching on the hugest cheese sticks I have ever seen, we went back to the house to hang out. I dumped them off and headed to Blossom Quiltworks and Hobby Lobby. I needed some fabric reinforcement before spending 5 days with the in-laws! I got to have 2 pieceful (ha-ha) hours of shopping all by myself! When I got back, the in-laws were home. Since it was my MIL's b-day we decided to go ahead and give her her b-day/xmas present. And then we gave my FIL his quilt so I wouldn't have to hide it anymore. He liked it! Yeah! We sat around talking for a half an hour, when my FIL says "You know there is another blanket store in North Little Rock, right?" He says he thinks there is a quilt shop down in the not so nice part of town and he would be glad to take me! So we (me, him , and hubby) pile in his truck and head down town. Sure enough, there is a quilt store! I didn't want to take too long since hubby and FIL were standing there looking silly! I did manage to find some clearance fabric for the backing of my coffee pineapple quilt.
Wednesday - FIL and hubby go off looking at "Stuff". Not sure what that means. I leave the kids with MIL and head to JoAnn's. I found several different pinks to make a baby quilt out of. We went out to lunch at one of favorite pizza places - U.S. Pizza Company. Yummy! After church Wednesday night, we had Christmas! The kids were happy to finally get to open the presents which had been staring at them since our arrival. "Santa" brought the kids each a light saber. Just what they need! Daddy was excited too!
Thursday - MIL wants to be on the road by 6:30 am. We are supposed to be in Tyler Texas by noon. It is a five hour drive! UGH! So we got up around 5:30 to get ready and get the car packed. The highlight of the morning was meeting my new nephew, Denver! He is adorable and very kissable.
We got on the road around 7 am and made it to Tyler on time. Ian was very excited to finally be in TEXAS! He told us before we left home that he would need a cowboy hat from Texas. No, we could not buy one ahead of time. We tried to explain that we would only be in Texas on Thanksgiving and that all the stores would be closed. Uncle Chance came to the rescue by getting him a hat in Dallas and bringing it with him to Thanksgiving dinner! Doesn't Ian make a cute cowboy?
Most of my MIL's side of the family was there for dinner - about 29 people. After we finished eating, actually before I had even gotten up from the table, Aunt Judy was up, putting away all of the food. My family usually just leaves things out, so you can nibble all day long. Not Aunt Judy- everything was put away. No snacking on turkey and dressing! Sad! That's the bad thing about having Thanksgiving dinner at someone else's house - no leftovers. We spent the afternoon visiting and watching the mandatory Dallas football game. We finally headed to Shreveport at about 7 pm to spend the night at Stacy's uncle's house.
Friday - I was hoping Stacy would want to hang around Shreveport long enough for me to visit a nice quilt store there, but we were on the road by about 9. It is a LONG way from Shreveport to Auburn - especially with two kids in the backseat asking "are we there yet?". But we made it home at 7:30 pm. We all got to sleep in our own beds - except for Ian who said he had a bad dream and needed to sleep on our floor!
I am so glad to be home! We have done enough traveling to last me a long time! OR at least until Christmas! Hope you all had wonderful turkey days!
Working with the brown coffee fabrics lately reminded me that I have a pile of pinks and browns waiting for me. I chose them to make a quilt for my son's little "girl friend" for her fourth birthday in April. You can see a picture of Taylor and Ian here. Her family is in the midst of trying to find land to build a new house and Taylor's new room will be pink. I haven't decided what to do with the fabrics yet but I love just taking them out and looking at them. Aren't they yummy? Kind of like chocolate covered strawberries!
I got the binding put on my FIL's quilt last night. Did the whole thing by machine. Nice and quick! I also made the label - so I just need to sit down and do that.
I am off in search of Christmas presents for my MIL and 2 nephews. We are doing xmas while we are in Arkansas at Thanksgiving. I have waited until the Auburn versus Alabama game started so hopefully all the stores will be deserted! Wish me luck!
What is everyone else up to this weekend?
I let myself make 6 more pineapple blocks this morning. Now I need to get this house cleaned up. We are leaving Monday afternoon to go to Little Rock to see my in-laws. I hate coming home to a messy house so I will try to get it into a livable state before we leave. We are hoping to spend Thanksgiving night with hubby's aunt and uncle in Shreveport, Louisiana and then will head on home Friday. I am hoping I can talk hubby into letting me go to a quilt store in Shreveport that I discovered two years ago when we were there. It was called Material Pleasures or Material Girls. Some with material in the name! And I know there is another quilt store in Vicksburg, Mississippi which we will go through too! And of course I will go to Blossom Quiltworks in Little Rock. This is a new store that opened about a year and a half ago - and its right around the corner from my in-laws house!! Yeah!!! And so is a big JoAnns store.
Maybe I will survive the 5 days with the in-laws! I may be a lot poorer but at least I will be sane!
In case Nines is getting a chance to read this at her parents, I miss being able to talk to you! I know your parents appreciate having you there to help! Give your dad a hug for me!
Here are the challenge rules:
1. The finished quilt is due next year on our birthdays (mid-June 2006).
2. The finished quilt should be lap size, about 60" x 60".
3. The supplied fabric must be the featured fabric. Not just used, but featured.
4. Other fabrics used should come mostly from our stash.
5. You can use any pattern or block you want.
6. Next year, Nina gets to make up the rules.
So of course, Nines knows I have a HUGE aversion to the color orange. I know the cause of the aversion - growing up with red hair. Orange is just not a color that looked good with red hair and freckles. Nina on the other hand LOVES orange and has made several beautiful quilts with it. One of them is orange and turquoise. I'll have to get her to post a picture of it. She also has made one of those quilted sweatshirts using the same orange and turquoise fabrics. Both were beautiful. The picture above is of the fabrics she gave me to work with. Now you know how mean she is! I have no idea what I am going to do yet but then again I have seven months to go!
So I got the backing pieced and the whole thing on the machine. Got one half a row quilted and ran out of bobbin. After I changed the bobbin, suddenly the tension was totally off. So after spending half an hour ripping out the bad stitches, I have to wrestle with the machine, trying to figure out what went wrong. Finally got things back on track. I got the first row quilted and I have called it quits for the evening. I can only handle so much aggravation today!
I decided to do a big meander on this quilt. I have not just meandered in a LONG time. It felt really weird and I had to pay close attention so I did not sew any loops into it.
Hope everyone else is getting some quilting of their own done. Have a great weekend!
What is everyone else up to today?
The way Maddie's mind works has always fascinated me. One time she decided to use the sprayer from the kitchen sink to spray the kitchen floor until it had about half an inch of water all over it. Why you may ask? Because she wanted to go swimming. I came down stairs to find her playing in the water, naked of course. (Yes, this is a true story!)
She is safely off to school and DS is still asleep - so here's my chance to watch the news for a few seconds. See what's going on in the world.
I would like to quilt her other one tomorrow but me and Maddie are going to an all day Badge Day at the University. Brownies and Girl Scouts can earn two badges in one day. That also means that hubby and pirate boy will get to spend the day together. Maybe they will get the urge to clean house! It could happen! Maybe in some alternate universe? Or maybe just in my dreams!
Now I have got to get started on all the QUILTING that needs to get done. I have five quilts of my own waiting for me plus two from my mom. One of the ones from my mom will be a paying job. Should that push it to the top of the list? Hhhhmmmm! We will have to wait and see what calls to me the loudest!